The asterik* in the descriptions below indicate that there are NO DRAWINGS in this website to portray these pictures because I feel that there is nothing so unusual about their design that you could not find these drawings elsewhere.

1) thru 10) RESIDENCES [Qty.=10; 35-foot diameter (each) = 962 square feet, each (one level)]: Scattered around PICTORIAL B1, there are 10 small, red-orange circles with the numbers 1 through 10 in white dots in them. These represent spaces where you might want to put some type of house, geodesic dome, yurt, tent, tepee, hay house, etcetera. It is up to you as to what you wish to put there:

PICTORIAL B2a reveals a simple rough draft of a PLASTERED STRAW BALE HOUSE. These structures would make excellent, cheap, ecological and quick-built housing. These structures are known to be very quiet inside, due to the thickness of the walls. They also insulate against cold and hot weather very well! Since one level = 962 square feet, both levels of this structure would = 1924 square feet. The glass tops on these structures would facilitate various solar uses including: sun-bathing, indoor gardens, and solar-powered appliances. Perhaps these glass roofs could be constructed of double or triple-thick layers of glass, with dead air spaces in between for insulation purposes. Some areas of glass could be colored or tinted, as well as removable, for various seasons of the year. The underground walls and floors could be made of concrete and steel, for strength and long-lasting durability. Perhaps wall-to-wall carpeting could be installed to keep these underground spaces well-insulated.

PICTORIAL B2b reveals a simple rough draft of a GLASS DOME HOUSE. Perhaps the top floor of these buildings could be constructed of double or triple-thick layers of glass, with dead air spaces in between for insulation purposes. Also, perhaps these glass "walls" of the top floor might be made to open, like doors, for hot summer weather, and closed up for cool or cold weather. Some areas of glass could be colored or tinted, as well as removable, for various seasons of the year. Having a clear glass roof might allow for some solar-powered appliances, solar-cell battery chargers, and the like, to be utilized in a remote area, perhaps (see also the SOLAR ELECTRIC paper). Also a clear or translucent glass would allow for several varieties of plants to be grown there, that could not be grown outside (tropical plants?). The underground walls and floors could be made of concrete and steel, for strength and long-lasting durability. Perhaps wall-to-wall carpeting could be installed to keep these underground spaces well-insulated. Since one level = 962 square feet, the 3 levels of this structure would = 2886 square feet.

There are also many books on dwelling designs at the libraries and at bookstores. Architects and engineers may also have many designs for these, as well. I hope you choose the most organic, ecological dwelling as possible! I cannot help you more than this. I am not an engineer with a college degree, nor an architect. I am a visionary writer and artist with a science & engineering background.

11) & 12) GAZEBOS [30' diameter each = 707 square feet each (See PICTORIAL B3)]: This structure could be used as a place to relax in the open air, under a shelter, as during a rainstorm. It could also shelter someone from the sun, if desired. It could also serve as a meeting place, or numerous other uses. Maybe a few tables and/or chairs could be placed there for various purposes.

13) & 14) FLOWER GARDENS [40' diameter each = 1,257 square feet each. (See: PICTORIAL B6: FLOWER GARDENS)]: Ah, yes, wouldn't it be great to have a place to go to, to get a breath of fresh air...a place to sit down on a bench and relax......let all your problems feast your eyes on the vivid colors of Nature at its best.....smell the sweetest fragrances on Earth..... to hear the gentle gurgle of a water fountain constantly flowing......a place of peace.....perhaps a place to do one's meditations.....a place to collect one's thoughts.....a place to become re-inspired, away from the work......a place to rest and "restoreth" the soul.......a place where you can ponder the true meaning of: "One is nearer God's heart in a garden than anywhere else on Earth!" Rabindranath Tagore, a famous Indian man once said: "What is God, if not an Eternal Child, who Eternally plays in His Eternal Garden?"
PICTORIAL B5 shows a sample flower garden, and the adjoining TABLE below it shows flower names and data corresponding to it. There are 28 different types of flowers in this garden. This flower garden was designed for a SUNNY location, with various types of soil and mostly moderate watering. Also there are many books today that give many ideas on flower gardening at your local library and bookstore. (See the bibliography.)

15) RECREATIONAL FIELD* [100' X 65' = 6500 square feet]: This is about 0.15 acres, and is merely a big, open grassy field located in the upper left corner of Pictorial B1. This field could be used for: open-field sports; pet livestock grazing (maybe, if they don't graze around the trees); or special outdoor community events (e.g., a musical event); or maybe for extra guests to camp upon; whatever the community decides.

16) BASKETBALL COURT* [50' x 75' = 3,750 square feet]: This is just a suggestion for a recreation place. The basketball court is a red rectangle located in the top center of Pictorial B1. This structure does not have an enlargement, pictorial, or drawing to look at because I feel that there is nothing so unusual or unique about it, that a person could not either design such a simple thing themselves or readily find examples of this in libraries or bookstores already! Please try to design this basketball court as ecologically as possible! Thank you!

17) TENNIS COURT* [35' x 80' = 2,800 square feet]: This is just another suggestion for a recreation place. The tennis court is a red and green rectangle located in the top center of Pictorial B1. This structure does not have an enlargement, pictorial, or drawing to look at because I feel that there is nothing so unusual or unique about it, that a person could not either design such a simple thing themselves or readily find examples of this in libraries or bookstores already! Please try to design this tennis court as ecologically as possible! Thank you!

18) HOT TUB* [10 foot diameter]: This hot tub is provided for its beneficial healing and soothing properties, for the betterment of all in the community and visitors. The hot tub is located in the top-central area of Pictorial B1 to the right of the TENNIS COURT. and near the SAUNA (see next description). Rocks, stones, concrete and steel make good, durable and ecological building materials. See your local library and bookstore for more information on how to build this.

19) SAUNA* [10 foot diameter]: The location for this main sauna (there may be others at individual residences), is in the top center of Pictorial B1, to the right of the TENNIS COURT, and near the HOT TUB. This sauna is also provided for its beneficial healing and soothing properties, for the betterment of all in the community and visitors. Rocks, stones, concrete and steel make good, durable and ecological building materials. See your local library and bookstore for more information on how to build these.

20) LARGE POND* [75' diameter = 4,418 square feet]: The large pond is located in the top-right area of Pictorial B1 and is a bluish color. This area is about 1/10th of an acre and could be a shallow pond with a small waterfall cascading down to the stream which flows down to the SMALL POND. The water could be re-circulated back to the LARGE POND by a solar-powered water pump, if there's not a stream running through the land. The flowing water might help add moisture to the air if this is in an arid region. The water could be used for irrigational purposes. If it was some how purified, it could be used for drinking. Of course this pond could also be used for swimming on a hot day and other such recreational uses. This pond area ecosystem is what you could call a very limited ecosystem in comparison to a whole marsh ecosystem, for example. However, small aquatic frogs, fish, turtles, etcetera might be able to live there.

21) & 22) FOUNTAINS* [2 (qty.) 20' diameter (each) = 314 square feet (each). Both fountains = 628 square feet.]: These fountains could be solar-powered, so that they turn on by themselves when the weather is sunny and it increases the volume of the water-spray when the weather gets really hot. This would help the plants in the area adapt to the hot sun by putting more moisture in the air. Of course the fountain is also there for people to run through on a hot day, too!

23) SMALL POND* [40' diameter = 1,257 square feet]: The small pond is located in the central-right area of Pictorial B1 and is also a bluish color. This area is .028 acre and could be a shallow pond with a very small waterfall cascading down to it from the LARGE POND, above, at the top of the pictorial. If there is not a continual source of water that is feeding the larger pond above and if the stream below this smaller pond flows downstream, perhaps to another small pond, then maybe the water could be re-circulated back to the LARGE POND by a solar-powered water pump, if desired.
This smaller pond could be shallower than the larger pond, maybe 2 or 3 feet deep, intended for more of a wading type pond. The pond area ecosystem is what you could call a very limited ecosystem in comparison to a whole marsh ecosystem, for example. Although it would be nice to have some fish and aquatic plants living in the pond. A few water lilies might add to it's enjoyment and other water plants might aid in keeping it ecologically clean.

24) OUTDOOR AMPHITHEATRE [40' foot radius, 1,257 square feet. (See: PICTORIAL B4: OUTDOOR AMPHITHEATRE)]: This is an area for outdoor theatrical plays, skits, classes, workshops, lectures, meetings, etc., when desirable, both for residents and for visitors, as on a sunny day or a pleasant evening. This would be an alternative place instead of holding similiar events inside the GAZEBOS. Stone would make a fine building material that could last a very long time. This OUTDOOR AMPHITHEATER is located near the bottom-center of Pictorial B1.

25) MANURE DROP-OFF* [30 X 40 feet = 1,200 square feet]: This bin is pictured as a small, solid-colored box (brown in PICTORIAL B1 and black in PICTORIAL B7) in the lower right of the pictorial. This bin can be used as a place to "age" human manure to give it time to decompose sufficiently to be safe enough to use in the edible gardens as natural fertilizer. It can also be used to deposit large quantities of animal manure, perhaps acquired from a livestock ranch. (See also the PICTORIAL B7: EXCREMENT BURIAL CHART link.)

26) GRAPE ARBOR [hexagonal = 315 square feet (See also PICTORIAL B5)]: The GRAPE VINEYARD for this pictorial have been designed like the spokes on a bicycle wheel and so radiates outward from the center of a circle. I chose this design because it is circular, somewhat similar to the trees, and because the effect is more like nature, than straight even rows. It may seem as though this design might not be as practical as having straight, even rows that would accommodate large farm machinery, but this vineyard is small enough to be worked by hand, by the 20 residents, easily enough.
The brown, hexagonal GRAPE ARBOR structure is 315 square feet and is located in the center of the GRAPE VINEYARDS in the lower right of the picture in Pictorial B1. This structure could be made of large, recycled, old (but sturdy) wooden posts, or maybe, better yet (to last many years), steel-reinforced concrete, stone and/or colored glass. The GRAPE ARBOR is counted in TABLE #1 as a NON-CROP AREA.
The idea with the GRAPE ARBOR is to "train" the GRAPE VINES to "climb" in a spiral around the posts overhead. Tables and chairs (as shown in Pictorial B1) could be placed under or near the vines to provide a place to have maybe a "grape-harvest party" when the fruits come into season. For that matter, the arbor could be used in the off-season, too. This area represents an informal area where much time will probably be spent outside having lunches, snack, breaks and general leisurely time, as well.
Spreadsheet data may be found in NON-TREE CROPS DATA: 1st YEAR and NON-TREE CROPS DATA: 15th YEAR. These show how the vines are distributed among the varieties and the acreage for each type of grape. They also show the total yield and acreage along with all the other crops.

BENCHES* (not numbered) [43 (qty.) 3 X 10 feet each, 30 square feet each, all 43 = 1,290 square feet]: ah, yes, wouldn't it be great to have places to sit down and rest to enjoy the day! Perhaps these benches could be made of stone, concrete or even wrought iron. I hope to avoid wood because I don't want any trees cut down for this!

COMPOST BINS* (not numbered) [10 (qty.) 5 X 5 feet each =25 square feet each, all 10 = 250 square feet]: These are small boxes located near the 10 RESIDENCES in both PICTORIAL B1 (brown boxes) and PICTORIAL B7 (gray boxes). These bins can be used for fruit and vegetable table scraps. They could also be used for local weeds, and other decomposing plant matter if not objectionable. This compost will be used in the edible food crop gardens, so it will have to be "clean".